The SmartComp project is going on full speed and the first research report Maritime cluster analysis on the Central Baltic region was published in December 2012. The report concludes that maritime clusters of the Central
Baltic region (CBR) operate rather separately and mostly compete with
each other, even though they are in the face of common challenges and
the toughest competitors can be found in the gigantic clusters in the
Far East.
“To keep one step ahead, both the cluster companies and political quarters have to recognize the preconditions of competitiveness – mutual cooperation and resources for further development. Competitiveness cannot be maintained without continuous investments,” says Project Researcher Eini Laaksonen from the Pan‐European Institute of the University of Turku, Finland, the Leader of the SmartComp research team.
Since the bid for a a multi-million
euro luxury cruise ship was lost to a sister shipyard in France, the future of the Finnish shipbuilding industry has been very much on the agenda in
Finland. It is clear that there is interest towards the input that SmartComp can bring to the field.
The project is aiming at increasing the networking between academia, businesses and public sector in the Central Baltic region maritime clusters. In February, two events under the title Towards Green & Efficient Maritime Cluster in Central Baltic Sea Region will take place in Tallinn to contribute to this aim - a Policy Development Roundtable (12 February) and a Seminar (13 February). The events provide a unique opportunity for public, business and
academic actors to discuss these current issues in the maritime field. You're welcome to join us!
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